Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Go Get Your Socks"

Tonight The QB was holding the monkey at the computer desk and she decided he would feel better with socks on. She pointed at his bare feet and at her socked feet and said "You need some socks. Go get some socks." He hopped down from her lap and toddled out of the room. A few seconds later he toddled back in the room, looking very pleased with himself, holding a solitary white baby sock in his hand. She congratulated him for the success and helped him put on the sock and then said, "You need one more sock. Go get another sock," and he did just that. I watched him make his way into his bedroom open his sock drawer (the top of which meets him about forehead level, which means he can't see into the drawer without getting onto his tip-toes) and reach in for a sock. Next maybe we'll try to get him to change his own diaper.

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