Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Have you heard of Wordle?

So, I published an essay in this online journal a few months ago all about my decision to go by "Joey," instead of Joseph, and today I pasted the entire essay into this geeky cool site called, and came up with this:

Wordle: Call me Joey no. 2

The site sorts all the words in the essay and then displays them graphically according to their frequency within the essay. Pretty cool. Here's one of the declaration of Independence:

Wordle: Declaration of Independence

And here is the Sermon on the Mount:

Wordle: Beattitudes

and the lyrics to "YMCA":

Wordle: YMCA

So, I know Wordle has been around a long time, but its fun, and I like the idea of words speaking for themselves in a way that's not possible through a simple reading.

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