Thursday, December 31, 2009

Birth and Babies, Birth and Babies

We were sitting at the table discussing birth pools (aka Kiddie Pools) when my brother-in-law called. On my I end I heard, "Well actually it's a common topic at our house..."

So true.

I just completed the January issue of the eNews for Birth Works, which means articles, websites and information on pregnancy, birthing, babies and breastfeeding are still swirling around in my head. Hopefully they come out coherently in the eNews! (If you want one let me know)

I currently have no less than 6 open boxes and bags of baby gear in my living room, my first attempts to see what we actually have for the new little one arriving soon. And to see what we might still need. I'm kind of surprised I waited this long to start baby planning but on the other hand there are WAY more distractions while expecting a third rather than a first baby.
When the new little guy is born sometime in February he'll have a car seat if he kicks his older brother out into a booster, a few furniture pieces and a small package of newborn diapers, courtesy of Santa! Lucky for him the clothes and blankets from his older brothers are still in good shape along with the cloth diapers that should fit in a few months.

A friend of mine called today needing more advice about birth pools and we ended up talking about care providers, home births, doulas and the local hospital.

Work on my Childbirth Educator Certification has picked up since the Student's been on break. More books and reports and brain swirls about birthing and babies. My favorite book so far has been Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth. I agree with the the 271 5-star reviews on Amazon, that she has done a great service to childbearing women in sharing positive birth stories and practical advice.

Birth is a hot topic around the Franklin house these days, and I'm thrilled!

Did you count? 13 including the title and book title, see what a I mean?

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm so excited for you! I would love a copy of your eNews. ;) xoxo